
Archive for November, 2018

Modern Science

November 21, 2018 2 comments


The other day I happened upon an article about global warming entitled, “Mathematician Exposes Global Warming Study Inflating Temp Rise by 600%.”  This is not news.  Frankly, I’ve grown accustomed to scientists simply creating facts out of thin air to “prove” global warming.  So I ignored it.

Then I ran across another article which claimed “’Mini Ice Age’ Looms As NASA Scientist Warns Lack Of Sunspots Could Bring Record Cold.”  That caught my attention, because back in 2012 I had examined the matter and concluded that we should be entering a period of global cooling rather than global warming.  

What really caught my eye in this particular article was the solar activity graphs for the past 30 years and for the past 400 years:  There is a definite downward trend in sunspot activity, and right now we are in the steep decline region of the cycle’s tail.  Since sunspot activity and global temperatures are related because the sun is our primary source of heat, we are due for serious cooling – not warming.  Furthermore NASA’s TIMED satellite confirms that the thermosphere around the planet is cooling and shrinking rapidly.

Lastly, I ran across another article entitled, “Giant meteor crater found under Greenland ice cap”, which has nothing to do with global warming and cooling.  It’s a fascinating article from NASA.  But the following statement grabbed my attention:

“the Hiawatha Crater was likely formed less than three million years ago and possibly as little as 12,000 years ago”

Wait a minute!  Some time between 3,000,000 and 12,000 years ago?  Another way of saying that is 1,500,000 ±1,500,000 years ago.  Or 1,500,000 years ago with an accuracy of ± 100%!  That’s simply a WAG (Wild A** Guess) masquerading as science!

Sadly, this is the state of our modern science.  Scientists used to pursue accuracy and truthfulness.  Now scientists are creating fudge factors that introduce 600% errors just to prove a political point.

And other scientists present WAGs as scientific conclusions!  Even NASA has been infected by the disease.  Can you imagine trying to land a man on the moon using rocket engines that have a predictable reliability of ±100%? Would you even consider buying a car that has an estimated life of 5 years ±100%  (0 – 10 years)?  I certainly wouldn’t.

Science used to be a discipline that searched for truth.  Scientists used to pursue excellence and accuracy, no matter where their findings led them. 

No more. We cannot depend on anything scientists try to sell us because I fear it has become little more than a search for the biggest grant, and their “conclusions” have become little more than fish tale whoppers.

All is not as it looks